Experience of a Newbie React Learner working in a collaborative fashion to clone a website

Experience of a Newbie React Learner working in a collaborative fashion to clone a website

An overview of the Project :-

So, the aim of this project was to polish our React Learning in past 1 month by building the clone of Reddit.com. We build almost 5 pages of Reddit.com using React and Redux only.

What were the technologies that we used and learnt in past one months :-

We learnt React Life cycle methods, the class based React. Then we moved to the new React which we call Hooks based React, this is also known as functional React. Because here instead of class components we use functions. The we learnt more on React such as Context API, AXIOS to make network Request, ROUTING in order to navigate to the different pages of a website. At last we learnt Redux that makes our work very easy by providing a great state management feature in React.

How did we approached our problem statement and what it was actually :-

The problem statement was very clear that we have to make a clone of Reddit.com by using all the concepts that we have learnt so far. We were aloud to surf the internet to get any help. Also, we were told to implement dynamic functionalities rather than building static pages. So, our approach was pretty much simple we talked in our group we decided on which part we will work we decided a workflow and we started working on it.

What are the things that we learnt by building this project :-

We learnt how to manage state in a large projects how to move to a different page in React. Also, very important thing how to collaborate in large scale project. We have implemented most the things that we thought of. So, we didn't left any part as such that we decided to work.

Some of the snapshots of our project :-

This is the Home Page:


Community Page :


Sub-Reddit Page :


Thank you so much for Reading.